Saturday, February 25, 2012

childhood demons

the lost boys and girls...(trapped in neverland)

I guess childhood demons never die

They just weigh down on your soul for so long

That you start to no longer feel their weight

Except when you stumble and fall

After trying to fly

I guess young tears never dry

but merge into your very being

Your face becomes unrecognizable without their marks

And one day someone tries to dry their stains

And you slap their hand away

I guess wounds in young flesh never heal

Only infect, fill with green bitter pus

Ooze out anger and mistrust

And one day become gangrenous

And the doctor recommends amputation of the heart

I guess childhood screams never die down

But become part of the background sound

And you come to fear silence

And one day when silence comes

So strange so unaccustomed that YOU start to scream

I know childhood never ends

We just become older versions of our scared wounded selves

Fumbling through a cruel world

Praying hoping we will one day grow up

And make sense of it all..
by me

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