Wednesday, August 31, 2011

a hat is not a scarf
A hat is not a scarf...I have been on every kind of roller coaster there is...and my scarf has never even favorit part about it is the policemens statment (it's a safty issue for us on rides, it could become a projectile) ridiculise! a peice of clothe!!! come on...with such logic one should remove shoes-they are even scarier projectile and if clothe is so scary maybe people should start going on these rides with there secound favorit part about the police mens statment is the word-for us ... so um who are you talking about exactly? the police force ,but they didnt come up with this who are you talking about sir? everyone else except for the headscarf wearing folk i guess... these laws only encourge that what policemens jod is? to promote hate?

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